
  • Karaganda State Medical Institute
  • The highest category in pediatric neurology. Medical rehabilitation and physical medicine. A manager in healthcare.

Work experience

  • 2024 Deputy Director for KKMUiSR GKP on the PCV “Multidisciplinary city Children’s Hospital No. 2” of the Akimat of Astana city
  • 2022-2024 Head of the Department of Clinical Rehabilitation of the NAO “National Center for Child Rehabilitation”
  • 2013-2022 CF “UMC” NCDR, Neuropsychiatric Department No. 3, head of the department.
  • 2012-2013   JSC “RDRC”, psychoneurological department No. 1 “Bobek” Neurologist
  • 2011 – 2012 GDB No. 2 Neurosurgical Department, Astana. Neuropathologist
  • 2000 – 2011   The MALYUTKA Medical Center in Zhezkazgan. A neurologist.
  • 1996-2000   Regional United Children’s Hospital with Infectious Diseases department in Zhezkazgan. An intensive care doctor.

Additional skills and achievements

  • 2023 Award “for contribution to health care”                       
  • 2017 award of “excellence in healthcare”