Center | of NAO “NCDR” |
Department | Correctional and Methodical |
Position | Speech Therapist |
Scientific degrees | Bachelor |
‘s degree Year of starting work at UMC(taking into account the period of foundation of the Centers) | 2019 |
Year of starting professional practice | 2019 |
Training and advanced training | 1. CERTIFICATE “Diagnostics and rehabilitation of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) (JASPER method), LosAngeles, USA. (2019) 2.. CERTIFICATE “Neuropsychological approach in working with movement” Astana, (2023) 3. CERTIFICATE “Method of sensory integration” (40 hours), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. Children’s Rehabilitationand Rehabilitation Center “Federal Scientific Research Center named after G. A. Alberkht”.(2019) 4. CERTIFICATE “Method of cerebellar and hemispheric stimulation and the use of neurotraining devices in correctional practice” (8 hours). Director of the Republican Educational Center for Correctional Pedagogy and Neuropsychology, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. T. Dzhanieva, Nur-Sultan (2021) 5. CERTIFICATE “Innovative methods of speech therapy correction” (48 hours). Federal Research and Clinical Center of Reanimatology and Rehabilitationof the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian FederationMoscow, Russia. (2019) 6. CERTIFICATE Балалар жылына және Балаларды оңалтудың ұлттық орталығының 15 жылдығына арналған «Реабилитология және курортологияның басым бағыттары » халықаралық өкілдерінің қатысуымен өткен IX Республикалық ғылыми – практикалық конференциясы, (18 сағат). «UMC» КҚ БОҰО директоры «Реабилитологтар мен курортологтар ассоциациясы» Қ.Б.Басқарма Төрайымы мғд, МВА(2022) 7.CERTIFICATE ” Autism spectrum disorders. Modern diagnostic methods. ” (12 hours) Non-profit Joint-Stock Company ” National Center for Children’s Rehabilitation “(2024) 8. CERTIFICATE ” Differentiated speech therapy massage. Diagnosis and correction of dysarthria”(72 hours). Educational Center for Correctional Pedagogy and Special Psychology (2019) |
Work experience | 5 years 3 months |
Awards |